Minnesota Naturists » Nude Art and Useless Knowledge
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #41

Useless Knowledge:
Every US president has worn glasses (just not always in public).
Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
Jim Henson first coined the word “Muppet”. It is a combination of “marionette” and “puppet.”
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #40

A drawing in my sister house.
Useless Knowledge:
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
Each year in America there are about 300,000 deaths that can be attributed to obesity.
About 55% of all movies are rated R.
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #37

Useless Knowledge:
If you’re lucky, you may be able to see a panda or two at a nearby zoo, but that cute creature is most likely on loan from China. In fact, the majority of pandas around the world either come from China or, if they’re born somewhere else, have to be sent to a Chinese breeding program before they turn four in order to expand the gene pool of the species.
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #36

Useless Knowledge:
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love to sleep naked and those who could never drift off if they aren’t wearing proper PJs. But according to a survey conducted in 2018 by MattressAdvisor.com, plenty of people prefer to head to bed in the buff. The poll found that 65 percent of millennials sleep in the nude.
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #35

Useless Knowledge:
In many cities, you can pick up a Quarter Pounder or some McNuggets on every other block. However, it’s not as easy for residents of Montpelier, Vermont, to get a Big Mac. That’s because it’s the only U.S. state capital that doesn’t have a McDonald’s. As the smallest state capital in terms of population (approximately 7,500), the city doesn’t have a Burger King, either. Sorry, Whopper lovers! To enjoy a meal from either fast food chain, Montpelier residents can simply head over to the neighboring city of Barre.
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #34

Useless Knowledge:
Scientists are aware of the fact that space travel takes a toll on the human body. But it turns out that it also does something strange to mice. When 20 rodents were sent up to the International Space Station, they started to suddenly run in loops around their cage after just a week, according to a 2019 study published in Scientific Reports. Once one mouse started to run, the others quickly joined in. While researchers don’t know exactly why the mice were acting like race cars circling a track at top speed, they think the little critters might simply have been enjoying the “rewarding effects of physical exercise.”
Nude Art and Useless Knowledge #33

Useless Knowledge:
During World War II, then 18-year-old Princess Elizabeth was a member of the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, making her the only woman in the British royal family to have served in the armed forces and the only living head of state to serve in the Second World War.
Second Subaltern Elizabeth Windsor, as she was called during her service, trained as a mechanic and military truck driver, according to Time. Interestingly, Her Majesty is also the only person in Britain who doesn’t need a driver’s license to get behind the wheel!