Minnesota Naturists » Archive
This is Your Site
We Are All Volunteers
The Board Members and Directors for Minnesota Naturists are all volunteers; none receive compensation for their work. When emailing or contacting them in other ways, please be respectful and patient. There may be some time between your email being sent and a reply being received. This may vary from a day or so to over a week. Please do not send repeated requests. Thank you for your patience and understanding. All the Board Members and Directors want to work with all members and provide the best non-landed naturist club possible. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Leadership
Board Member and Directors Email
Filed under: Leadership
Welcome to Minnesota Naturists!
Thanks for visiting the official Minnesota Naturists website! Our web site features the following: Membership management. By becoming an approved member, you will see content that only members can see, such as event details and the ability to post content Membership renewal. You will receive an email shortly before your anniversary date which will remind you to continue your membership with Minnesota Naturists, and therefore continue to enjoy the rights and privileges this membership brings. For example, you’ll be able to visit clubs with us, host your own events, and play on our competitive volleyball team. Calendar of events. Moderators will be able to publicly post new events and create events for your enjoyment. We will also encourage people who attended the events to leave their comments. Photography. The site will allow tasteful nude … Read entire article »
Filed under: Public
Paid Members Are Now Authors
Filed under: Administration, Leadership, Member
My First Nude Anniversary Cruise
Our Anniversary Cruise by jeepfever Ever been on a nude cruise? I haven’t been on any cruise much less a nude cruise – until just recently. I promised my wife a cruise for our 20th anniversary, and two years later I finally delivered. I encountered the Bare Necessities ‘Big Nude Boat’ while looking for a special cruise and was immediately intrigued. I figured that cruising through the Eastern Caribbean during a Minnesota winter was just the ticket. I shared ‘most’ of the information with my wife and she was ‘all-in’ for a warm vacation. I told her it was a nude cruise and after a moment of awkward silence, she indicated she would consider it. Once I showed her the exotic itinerary she was on board; so I booked the cruise. After talking with the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Public
How to Hit a Nude Beach
When I first begin researching the question of how to hit a nude beach, one of the first answers came from the general manager of a hotel in New Hampshire, Jerry Jacobson, who responded “very carefully.” My immediate reaction was that I usually don’t need any help in the weak joke department, as regular readers of this column will verify. But as I gathered more sources I realized that Jerry’s right. Most of us can’t wake up one morning and decide that taking off our clothes is just another day at the beach. Read the whole story here: http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2010/07/19/hit-nude-beach/ … Read entire article »
Filed under: Public
Common Ground: Portland, OR
Common Ground Wellness Center pitches itself as a community healing bathhouse. I’m not sure about the community healing, but I sure felt better. This quiet, clean, and well-run spa in the eastern suburbs of Portland is a must visit for anyone who cares about their body. It’s clothing optional every night and coed on most, including the night I visited. Other nights are dedicated to men only, women only, and transgender only. They are serious about their outreach and tolerance is expected. Wednesday nights have live music, and it is a normal coed night. A female duo performed acoustic original songs and covers like Tracy Chapman. It was as amazing as it sounds. After their set, they soaked for a little bit themselves. Upon arrival, you check in and pay. My … Read entire article »
Filed under: Public